Does a Cheesecake Have To Be Made In a Springform Pan?

Cheesecakes are delicious, delicate desserts that can be hard to make. Many amateur bakers or professional ones make use of springform pans to make them.

These pans are known to have removable sides, which can be unlatched with the help of a spring on the pan.

They’re usually recommended not only for cheesecakes but also for cakes that have loose toppings, trifles, tarts, and tortes.

In short, anything delicate that you need to bake can be made in a springform so that you can remove it from the pan without damaging it.

What is a Springform Pan?

If you don’t have a springform pan, you might be curious about what it is.

A closer look at it will show you that this is a cake pan that is essentially made up of the following two parts:

  • Part 1 is the base of the pan
  • Part 2 is the ring around the pan, which is removable and functions as the sides of the pan

Does a Cheesecake Have To Be Made In a Springform Pan

When both parts are attached together, you get one complete, functional cake pan that you can use for making your cheesecake, torte, or whatever delicate dessert you fancy.

While it might look like a springform pan is similar to others, it is only when you take it apart from that you will see what a difference it makes.

Once the cheesecake has been completely cooled, you can remove it from the springform pan very easily by simply removing the ring from the sides of the pan. Then, you can lift the base with the cake sitting on top of it and serve it as needed.

This process makes it easier to slice and serve the cheesecake very easily.

It also reduces the effort required in transferring a cake into a serving plate. If this is not done properly, the cake is likely to break, get cracks, or simply fall apart.

Is a Springform Pan Necessary for Cheesecake?

While it is convenient and saves you a lot of trouble, a springform pan is not necessary for making cheesecakes.

This means that you do not have to rush to the store to get one. Instead, you can try alternative methods to make cheesecakes.

Moreover, many of the alternative options you can make use of for cheesecakes are present in your kitchen. This means that you will be able to save money and time in the process too.

Also read: How to Bake a Cake without a Cake Pan?

Alternative Options for Making Cheesecake without a Springform Pan

Getting creative in the kitchen can be a fun way to bake a cake and you can apply the same creativity when it comes to making cheesecakes.

If you’re wondering what you can use for making cheesecake without a springform, then we’re going to take a closer look at it here.

The following are some of the top alternatives that you can find for making cheesecake without a springform pan:

Serve the Cake Straight from the Pan

Now, this is the lazy person’s alternative but, what if you just don’t take the cake out of the pan and serve it in it?

In this case, you have to consider your reasons for removing the cake from the cake pan. Try to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you want to serve it on a plate?
  • Is it for a birthday?
  • Do the people care about the presentation of the cake?

If you can’t really find a solid reason to opt for it, then don’t head to the store to buy a springform pan. Instead, use a regular cake pan to make the cheesecake in.

You can then serve the cheesecake straight out of the pan. At the end of the day, if it tastes good, you don’t have to worry about how the cake looks in the pan.

Also read: What Are the Different Types of Baking Pans?

Over Line a Regular Cake Pan

Another great option for a springform pan substitute is to use any regular cake pan or even a pie plate and then line it properly with parchment paper.

In this case, do not trim the sides of the parchment paper. They should be hanging out of the pan. The aim of this is that you will be using these to lift the cake out of the pan.

In this case, you will have to make two layers of parchment paper for each side. A good option is to use a square cake pan as it makes it easier to layer the paper properly.

The aim is to create a sling of sorts that will allow you to lift the cake out without any breakage.

If you’re having any difficulties or not sure about lifting the cake on your own, you should ask a second person to help you out.

Now, lift up the cake and simply place it on the cake plate. Trim the long edges of the parchment paper and you’re done. You can start to serve it as is.

Using a Silicone Cake Pan

There are also silicone cake pans available that can be used for making cheesecakes.

However, you should only use them if you’re making no-bake, freezer made cheesecake. Putting a silicone cake pan in an oven is not always the best idea, especially if you didn’t get the right kind of pan.

Additionally, getting a cheesecake out of a silicone mold can be tough so if you bake one, you can end up with a mess on your hands.

With frozen cheesecakes, you can have no difficulties in removing it from the silicone cake pan. Just make sure to properly spray and flour the mold beforehand.

Once you have your cheesecake arranged it in, pop it into the freezer and let it chill for at least 6 to 12 hours. The longer you leave it in, the better and more firmly the cake will set.

After this, when you have to remove the mold, simply peel it off the frozen cake. Let the cake rest on the cake plate to come to room temperature.

Now, you can decorate it or have it as is. A chilled cheesecake does taste the best but it will also go well if you want to serve it with warm chocolate syrup.

Use a Disposable Foil Pan

Another great alternative is a foil aluminum pan. These can either be store-bought or you can make your own aluminum foil cake pan as well. If you want to make your own, the following is what you should pay attention to:

Now, let’s assume that you want to make a cake in an 8-inch round cake pan.

To do this, you will have to properly measure the entire circumference of the cake. In this case, the circumference will come up to be around 25 inches.

Then, all you have to do is cut a piece of a large rectangle of foil that is up to 25 inches in length.

Then, you should fold the aluminum foil until the piece you have will be 25 inches in length but will be up to 2 inches wide. Now, connect the ends to each other to make the shape of a circle.

Make sure to press both the edges neatly in order to make a circle properly.

This circle is going to look like a round cake pan without a base. So, now all you have to do is make the base. For this, you will need to take a square piece of aluminum foil. Take this and place the circle you made with the aluminum foil in the middle.

Now, start to fold the edges and the foils from the outside into the inside. Press down the edges properly and smoothen it to make sure that there are no lumps forming on it.

Add another sheet, in the same manner, to make it leak-proof for when you add the batter to it.

After this, just grease it up as needed. When it is time to serve the cake, you can simply cut the foil using a sharp knife on the edges.

Even if you don’t make your own pan, you can find a good foil aluminum pan from the store in different shapes and sizes.

With the help of these tips, you can easily make a cheesecake without having to get an expensive springform pan.

Things to Keep in Mind when Substituting Springform Pans

Before you start substituting springform pans, you still have to pay attention to a few things.

The following is what you should keep in mind when you’re opting for this:

  • Split the cake filling – Since springform pans are fairly tall, you may have to reduce the recipe and filling requirements.
  • Always grease the pans – Prepare the pans before you add any batter in it. Even if you use a springform pan, this is important.
  • Keep an Eye on Baking Time – Since the pans may be more shallow, cook time may be shorter so you should keep an eye on them.
  • Freeze cakes properly – Always give the cake some time to set properly before you choose to serve them.

So as we covered in this article, you don’t always need a springform pan to make a cheesecake.

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