How to Season T-fal Pans – All you need to know!

If you want your delicious dessert crepes to turn out perfect each time, you need to get your hands on a T-fal pan.

You’ll learn that preparing omelets and scrambled eggs have never been this easy. Cooking with a T-fal pan is incredibly easy and efficient, but there are a few considerations that you need to remember.

Here’s everything you need to know about seasoning T-fal pans and taking proper care of them:

How to Season a T-Fal Pan

T-fal is a brand of nonstick cookware that’s known the world over for its durability and reliable performance.

If you’ve recently got yourself a T-fal pan, you should know that you need to season its cooking surface before using it. 

Seasoning is a process that helps increase the lifespan of non-stick pans and enhances its non-stick coating.

Once your pan is seasoned, you’ll be able to transfer food easily from the pan to a dish without having to worry about sticking.

It’s also important to note that once you’ve washed the pan, you’ll have to season it again to make sure it retains its non-stick surface. 

Let’s take a look at two common ways to season your T-fal pan.

Method 1 – On the Stove

Seasoning a T-fal pan on the stove is incredibly easy and hardly takes a minute.

What You Need

  • Dish soap
  • Dishcloth or paper towel
  • Peanut of canola oil


  1. The first thing you need to do is wash the pan with warm water and dish soap to get rid of any dirt or residue from the packaging.
  2. Use a clean paper towel or dishcloth to dry the pan properly.
  3. Add a teaspoon of peanut or canola oil to the surface of the pan and rub it all the way up to the rim of the pan. 
  4. Place it on the stove over medium heat for around 30 seconds to a minute. 
  5. Take the pan off the heat and wait for it to cool down completely before using a clean paper towel to wipe off excess oil.
  6. Your non-stick pan is now seasoned and ready to be used.

Method 2 – In the Oven

Seasoning a T-fal pan in the oven gives you more or less the same result as seasoning it on the stove, but it takes a lot more time. 

What You Need

  • 1 teaspoon of peanut oil
  • Clean paper towel


  1. Preheat your oven to 300 or 350 degrees Fahrenheit. 
  2. Add about a teaspoon of peanut oil onto the surface of the pan and use a clean paper towel to gently spread it all over. 
  3. Once your pan is properly coated, place it inside the oven for an hour.
  4. Remove the pan and give it some time to cool down before using a paper towel to wipe away excess oil.
  5. Your seasoned pan is now ready to be used.
Also read: Seasoning Copper Pans – What Oils to Use?

Using Olive Oil to Season a T-fal Pan

Even though some manufacturers recommend using olive oil to season your T-fal pans, you shouldn’t use it because it’s known to have a comparatively low smoke point.

This means that the oil can break down under medium to high temperatures and begin to smoke. 

You should also avoid using oils with low smoke point and butter to season your non-stick pans. Peanut oil is one of the best oils you can use as it has a very high smoke point.

If you don’t have peanut oil at hand, you can try using grapeseed or canola oil as they’re also quite tolerant of higher temperatures than most other oils. 

Why Do You Need to Season T-fal Pans?

You may be wondering why you even need to season T-fal pans when they already come with a non-stick surface. Seasoning a non-stick pan is needed because it helps fill in any pores or tiny pits on the surface of the pan and eliminates any inconsistencies in the finishing.

The best part is that it reduces the need to use additional oils when you’re cooking. 

Moreover, this process can also extend the life of your pans and make sure any foods that you cook don’t stick to the pan. The oil that’s used to season these pans creates a protective layer against oxidation and prevents rust. 

According to some manufacturers, it’s recommended that you season your non-stick pans every few weeks if you can to make sure it stays in great condition and you’re able to cook all kinds of food efficiently. 

What Happens If You Don’t Season Your Pans?

It’s important for you take your time to season your non-stick pans regularly. If you don’t season your pans, food will start sticking to the surface and you’ll have to start using oil to prevent sticking.

This will basically defeat the whole purpose of using a non-stick pan in the first place. 

When food starts sticking to the surface of the pan, it can easily get into the pores and make your pan inefficient over time. It’s advisable to season the pan immediately afterward to fill in the tiny pores. 

How to Clean T-fal Pans

As we’ve already established, T-fal pans are great for use because they can be cleaned fairly quickly and they make for healthy fat-free cooking.

However, non-stick pans are known to get worse over time, especially if they’re not properly cared for. The finish on their surface can begin to wear off and become less smooth, causing your food to start sticking to the pan.

It’s advisable to hand-wash your T-fal pans and make sure they’ve cooled down before cleaning them. Using a sponge or cloth with warm, soapy water is an effective way to clean these pans.

Avoid using scouring pads to get rid of any stubborn stains and only use cleaners that are specifically made for non-stick surfaces to avoid causing any damage. 

You can clean most T-fal pans in the dishwasher, but you should note that abrasive dishwasher detergents can cause the surface of your pans to discolor or become dull.

You need to do your research and refer to the instructions on the outer packaging to determine whether the pan is dishwasher safe or not.

When you’re stacking your non-stick pans in the dishwasher, try to position them vertically and leave space between the spikes of the dishwasher rack to reduce friction during the washing cycle.

It’s advisable to re-season your T-fal pans after every ten washing cycles. 

Some Guidelines to Keep in Mind

Keep these guidelines in mind when you’re cleaning T-fal pans:

  • Let the pan cool down completely before placing it under running water. This is because a sudden change in temperature may cause the material of the pan to warp and damage the non-stick surface. 
  • Using harsh scrubs or cleaners can leave scratches on the pan and lead to open pockets in the pores of the non-stick surface. If the food gets stuck into these pores, try soaking the pan in warm, soapy water for a bit to loosen the particles. 
  • You can also try deglazing the pan instead of soaking it to remove stubborn food particles. All you need to do is add warm water into the pan with a drop of liquid dish soap. Place it on the stove and let it come to a boil. After it’s been simmering for a few minutes, take it off the heat, let it cool, and then wash it with warm water.
  • Remember to season your deglazed pans before the next use. 
  • How you store your pans can also play a role in how efficient they are. The best way to store non-stick pans is to hang them and make sure there’s enough space between each pan to minimize friction. If you don’t have enough space in your kitchen to hang them, nest them inside each other, and add a paper towel to prevent scratching. 

Tips for Cooking with T-fal Pans

Let’s take a look at some important tips you need to remember when you’re cooking with T-fal pans:

  • Try not to use metal utensils to stir or mix the food as they can leave permanent scratches and damage the surface. Utensils that are made of plastic, rubber, wood, nylon, and silicone are recommended for non-stick pans.
  • Avoid cooking food at high temperatures, and try to cook everything over low or medium heat only. This is because exposure to high temperatures can cause these pans to warp and lose their non-stick properties. 
  • Don’t forget to preheat your non-stick pan before cooking as it allows the food to cook evenly. Just wait for the pan to heat up for a couple of minutes before adding the ingredients. 
  • If you need to use a little bit of fat like butter or oil to prepare a dish, you can add the fat to the pan when it’s still cold before preheating it. If you add fat to a hot non-stick pan, it can begin to smoke and damage the coating. 

Bottom Line

Keep your T-fal pans in great condition by seasoning them properly and cleaning them according to the recommended guidelines.

Seasoning is necessary as it will allow you to prepare all kinds of foods efficiently and prevent oxidation.

Remember to store your pans carefully to avoid permanent scratches and extend their shelf-life.

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