How to Make a Pan Non-Stick with Salt?

When it comes to getting a non-stick pan, you cannot always trust that the pan you got from the market is non-stick.

But even with a label on, these pans can lose the layer which functions as non-stick over time.

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Given this option, you have to make sure that you take things into your own hands and try to make the pan non-stick again.

This is a very simple process, which does not require any special ingredients. In fact, you can make any pan non-stick with the help of some kosher sea salt.

The reason why you should aim for non-stick pans is that there are plenty of benefits associated with their use.

Let’s see how you can make a pan non-stick using salt

Making a Pan Non-Stick with Salt – Two Different Methods

To make a pan non-stick, you can actually make use of a lot of different methods but the salt will definitely give you the best results.

Using salt is widely popular because it is easy, there is little room for error and it is perfect for beginners to try out.

Additionally, sea salt is an ingredient, which can easily found in any grocery store. You will not have to invest in any specialty items or a solution for it.

Moreover, there are two different methods that you can use to make a pan non-stick with salt.

Based on your preferences, we are listing down both methods so that you can try out whichever one you like.

Both methods are extremely effective but one is simpler than the other. This can ensure that you don’t end up making mistakes, which can take a lot of time to fix.

Method 1 – Sea Salt Only

This method makes use of sea salt only. Based on the amount needed, you may already have the sea salt in your pantry.

If not, you can just pop by the shops in your area and grab it as needed. For this method, all you need is the following:

  • Sea salt – 3 cups (1 cup per session)
  • Pan – the one you want to make non-stick
  • Oil – Any – as needed
  • Paper towels or cloth

Place the pan on the stove while it is empty and allow it to get hot until it starts to release smoke. Now, take the salt and pour it into the pan.

You have to make sure that the salt completely covers the bottom of the pan. It should be a 2 cm thick layer.

Leave the pan on the heat and allow it slowly cook. As the salt will burn, it will not only smoke but also start to change color.

You want the salt to become dark brown before you remove the pan from the stove. Throw the salt out and allow the pan to cool down to room temperature.

Now, take a paper towel or a piece of cloth and dip it in some oil. Rub the surface of the pan with the oil. Keep rubbing until the pan gets a lustrous sheen.

After this, repeat the process 2 to 3 times more, making sure to wipe the pan with oil and letting it cool down first.

Once you try this method, you cannot wash the pan with water again. Instead, after cooking with it, you should only wipe it down well with some clean cloth or a paper towel.

If you see the non-stick coating wearing down, make sure to redo this method.

Method 2 – Sea Salt and Oil

This second method makes use of sea salt and oil. While the previous method did make use of oil, it only had it as the finishing step.

With the second method, you will be making use of sea salt and oil from the start. However, this can be a bit more complicated so it is not always recommended for beginners.

Nonetheless, for this method, you will have to make use of the following items:

  • Sea salt – 3 cups (1 cup per session)
  • Pan – the one you want to make non-stick
  • Olive oil – Any – as needed
  • Paper towels or cloth

Take the pan you want to make non-stick and place it on the stovetop. Bring it up to heat and add some olive oil to it.

Let it continue to heat until the olive oil starts to smoke. Now, add in the sea salt.

Make sure to do this step carefully. If you are too late in adding the sea salt or the oil becomes too hot, it may turn into a sludgy mess and stick to the pan.

Once you add the sea salt to the pan, use a spatula to make sure that the salt and the oil are coating the surface of the pan properly.

You want to make sure that you are not applying too much pressure here. You do not want to push the salt and oil together.

You just want to make sure that the pan is properly coated with it. Raise the heat up to medium and let the pan heat up until it starts to release smoke and the salt starts to turn brown.

After that, dump the oil and salt solution and wait for the pan to cool down to room temperature. Once the pan is cool, wipe it with a paper towel before you choose to repeat the process again.

With the help of both these methods, you can easily get a non-stick pan with ease. The best part is that you can use this method with almost any kind of pan.

As long as you maintain the pan and do not wash it properly, you will be able to have a non-stick pan without any difficulties.

Benefits of Non-Stick Pans

Non-stick pans have plenty of benefits associated with them, which makes them very popular in the market.

A lot of people like using non-stick pans because they offer the following benefits:

Make use of Less Fat

With a need for watching cholesterol levels and calories, the pan you use can make a huge difference. Regular pans tend to require more oil to ensure that the food does not stick to your pan.

Cooking with a lot of fat can be extremely unhealthy. It not only prevents food from sticking to the bottom but also means that the food becomes more saturated with fats.

With non-stick pans, you do not need to add so much oil. While a little bit is needed, it will not be to the extent that you need regular pans.

The use of less fat means that you will be able to make dishes, which are less likely to be unhealthy or saturated in unhealthy fats.

Less Mess for Clean up

When it comes to clean up after cooking, it can be extremely tiring to scrape off the burnt bits. You also have to clean the pan properly to ensure that you do not leave behind any oil residue.

Otherwise, the pan can become unsanitary to cook with. Moreover, scrubbing the pan can be an issue as it can cause damage to the surface.

With non-stick pans, there is less of a mess to worry about when you are cleaning it. The food bits will not get stuck to it and since you need to use less oil, you won’t have to deep clean it each time you use it.

In fact, all you need to do is wash with some soapy water and a sponge and pop the pan into the dishwasher.

Care still needs to be taken to make sure that the non-stick layering does not wear off when you are cleaning but it is not a hassle to clean as regular pans can be.

Avoid using harsh materials, such as steel wool, to clean the pan.

Extremely Durable

A non-stick layer tends to enhance the life of a pan by making it more durable. It becomes more resistant to the natural acids and alkaline compounds found in food.

This ensures that the food is able to cook much better and the pan does not wear down from repeated use.

With proper care, a non-stick pan can actually last you for a good decade or two. In fact, many families have generational pans, which they pass down to others.

This makes non-stick pans a worthwhile investment for you.

Additionally, many new ones come with scratch-proof coatings as well, which means that any accidental scrapes with a metal spoon won’t cause any damage to the pan.

So, now that you see the benefits of non-stick pans, it is worthwhile to consider investing in them.

However, when you want to make a current pan non-stick, you will be happy to know that you can do that as well.

By using a simple home-based remedy, you can ensure that you don’t have to go out and specifically buy a non-stick pan.

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